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Chemicals and Related Products

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Electronic Products

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Energy-related Products

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Forest Products

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Minerals and Metals

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Textiles and Apparel

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Transportation Equipment

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Special Topic: “Trade Metrics”

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_____. Customs and Border Protection (Customs). “About Foreign-Trade Zones and Contact Info.” http://www.cbp.gov/border-security/ports-entry/cargo-security/cargo-control/foreign-trade-zones/about (accessed March 6, 2015).

U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). “A Note on U.S. Trade Statistics,” August 22, 2014. http://www.usitc.gov/publications/research/tradestatsnote.pdf (accessed March 25, 2015).

_____. Interactive Tariff and Trade DataWeb (DataWeb)/U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC). http://dataweb.usitc.gov (accessed various dates).

_____. Used Electronic Products: An Examination of U.S. Exports. USITC Publication 4379. Washington, DC: USITC, 2013.


U.S. Department of Commerce (USDOC). U.S. Census. “Guide to Foreign Trade Statistics.” http://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/guide/sec2.html (accessed March 25, 2015).

_____. U.S. Census. “Trade Definitions.” https://www.census.gov/foreign-trade/reference/definitions/ (accessed March 25, 2015).

U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC). “A Note on U.S. Trade Statistics,” August 22, 2014.
