Jason E. Kearns, Chair
Randolph J. Stayin, Vice Chair
David S. Johanson
Rhonda K. Schmidtlein
Amy A. Karpel
Catherine DeFilippo
Director, Office of Operations
Jonathan Coleman
Director, Office of Industries
Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade, 2020
Investigation No. 332-345
Publication 5239 (November 2021)
Project Leader
Jeff Horowitz
Deputy Project Leaders
Robert Ireland, Aaron Woodward
Principal Authors
Part I
Robert Ireland, Christopher Montgomery
Part II
Simon Adhanom, Renee Berry, Jeffrey Clark, Dixie Downing, Kim Ha, Alex Melton, Elizabeth Skokan, Kristin Smyth, Katherine Stubblefield, Brennan Taylor, Karl Tsuji, Allison Utomi
Part III
Art Chambers (Part III lead), Andrew David, Gregory LaRocca, Joann Peterson
Content Reviewers
Samuel Goodman, Samantha Schreiber
Editorial Reviewer
Judy Edelhoff
Statistical Reviewers
Mara Alexander, Ann-Marie Carton, Lita David-Harris, Onslow Hall, Conor Hargrove, Christine Lee, Maureen Letostak, Cynthia Payne, Cameron Richardson, Aaron Woodward
Web Team and Accessibility Support
Christian Fluitt, Cameron Richardson, Kathleen Rumsey
Production Support
Trina Chambers, Monica Sanders
Under the direction of
James Stamps,
Chief, Advanced Technology and Manufacturing Division, Office of Industries