Prior to your first day of work, you will receive a package in the mail containing an offer letter and essential documents that must be processed before you begin employment. If you require additional copies, all forms are available under Personnel Forms.
New employees must undergo security screening prior to their start date. Security screening consists of fingerprinting, completing E-QIP forms, and submitting this information for a suitability determination
A representative from the Security Office will send you an e-mail prior to your start date to setup an appointment for fingerprinting which is conducted on USITC grounds
All new employees are required to be fingerprinted; however, if you already maintain an active security clearance, performed by another federal agency you are not required to complete paperwork. If you are new to the federal government or transferring from an outside agency, a USITC Security Officer will contact you to complete/update standard form 85. you to complete an E-QIP.
Once you complete and submit all required paperwork, it takes approximately 5 to 7 business days for USITC to receive your suitability determination.
For more information, please visit the "Security Screening" portion of the USITC website.
On your start date, bring a valid photo-id and present it to the security guard on duty. Inform them that you are here for orientation and they will contact the Human Resources department on your behalf. An employee from the office of Human Resources will escort you to room 312 to ensure completion of all federal forms and to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
When you arrive at USITC for orientation, bring two forms of identification from the list below:
- U.S. passport
- Certificate of U.S. Citizenship
- Native American tribal document
- driver's license
- birth certificate
- social security card
- school ID card with a photograph
- or non drivers license ID
After you complete all paperwork, you will take the "Oath of Office."
Federal civil servants must take an Oath of Office in which they swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. The Constitution not only establishes our system of government, it defines the work role of Federal employees -
"to establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty."
Once you take the “oath of Office,” you will be connected with a member of your office.
Once the USITC receives confirmation from the Security Office regarding your suitability for Federal employment, you will be notified where and when to pick up your badge and castle key.