This portal serves as a platform for hosting TiVA research databases, tools, and output produced by the Commission staff and/or in collaboration with external researchers and organizations.
The portal is organized by TiVA initiative, with separate pages for NA-TiVA and APEC TiVA. Each of these pages provides an overview of the initiative and a summary of associated publications and data releases. The TiVA Resources page provides a collection of other publications and tools for GVC and TiVA analysis, which are not deliverables of the NA-TiVA and APEC TiVA Initiatives. These range from background and working papers, to instructional presentations and programs that users can employ in their own GVC/TiVA research.
The material posted on this portal is solely meant to represent the opinions and professional research of individual staff economists. Unless otherwise indicated in the reports themselves, the material is not meant to represent in any way the views of the U.S. International Trade Commission, any of its individual Commissioners, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the U.S. Census Bureau, Statistics Canada, or INEGI, APEC or any individual APEC member economies, or the OECD or any individual OECD member countries.