The links below are external and are provided as a convenience for the public. The links do not constitute or imply USITC endorsement or approval. The USITC takes no responsibility for, and exercises no control over, the organizations, views, or accuracy of the information contained on any linked site. When you access one of these sites, you are leaving the USITC's website.
- International Trade Administration at Commerce
Works in coordination with USITC to conduct enforcement on material injury investigations. - U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Assesses duty rates for tariff and non-tariff classifications on imports. - AD-CVD Search - Non-Tariff Duty Finder
- Basics of Importing and Exporting
- Classification Assistance - Ports Directory
- Customs Rulings - Memos for individual products
- E-Rulings - Filing paperwork for customs
- Questions/Customer Service
- Office of the United States Trade Representative
Administers safeguard measures into trade agreements as recommended by USITC. - Intellectual Property Rights Branch, U.S. Customs & Border Protection
Enforces exclusion orders on patent-infringing goods issued by the USITC.
Joint effort on providing updates and information about U.S. trade agreements. (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Commerce, State, Treasury, and the Office of United States Trade Representative.
- U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Services - Trade data by agricultural programs.
- Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) - Employment, pricing, productivity
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Census Product Catalog
- Census Order Forms- Order monthly trade data on CD-ROMS
- Census Subscriptions Services - Trade data E-mailed to you monthly
- AES Direct - Report exports on the Internet
- Census Foreign Trade Division U.S. Trade with Puerto Rico and U.S. possessions
- Census Industrial Products Overview
- Census - Schedule B - U.S. export trade classification schedule
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- Office of Trade and Economic Analysis
Synopsis of current trade, exports by state, and metropolitan area to the world. - Bureau of Economic Analysis
Estimates of trade in services and of sales of services in international markets through U.S. and foreign affiliates of multinational companies. - Office of Textiles and Apparel
Trade data by textile and apparel quotas. - STAT-USA - U.S. economic and trade statistics
- Office of Trade and Economic Analysis
- U.S. Federal Reserve - Beige Book - Economic conditions by the Federal Reserve District
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- National Transportation Statistics - Trade data by mode of transportation.
- GPO - Congressional Records, Federal Register Notices, GAO Reports, Privacy Act issuances, U.S. Code
- THOMAS - Pending Legislation, Congressional Records, etc
- Library of Congress
- U.S. House of Representatives
- U.S. Senate
- U.S. Copyright Office
- U.S. Patents database
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- African Development Bank
- Asian Development Bank
- Bank for International Settlements
- Economic Commission for Africa
- Food and Agriculture Organization
- Inter-American Development Bank
- International Development Research Centre (Canada)
- Latin America Integration Association
- Organization of American States - Foreign Trade Information System
- United States-Asia Environmental Partnership
Addresses environmental degradation and sustainable development issues. - World Bank
- World Health Organization
- World Tourism Organization
- Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN Statistics)
- Statistics Canada
Information for understanding and ordering Canadian trade statistics. - Caribbean Community (CARICOM Statistics)
- EU Europa Trade - Statistics by Theme
- Eurostat
Economic and social statistics, regional data, external trade data at product level. - Free Trade Agreement of the Americas
(FTAA Hemispheric Trade and Tariff Database) - IMF - International Financial Statistics - Primary Commodity Prices, External Debt, World Economic Outlook Database
- International Trade Centre (UNCTAD/WTO)
U.N. trade statistics for all coutries at the three digit SITC level. - Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR)
Surveys of mass and elite attitudes, census records, election returns, international interactions, and legislative records. - CHASS Computing Facility at the University of Toronto
Selected databases (Some are free; most are subscription based). - Penn World Tables
A database of International Comparisons. Includes stats on population, GDP, GNP, consumption, investments, price levels, exchange rates. (University of Pennsylvania)
- Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Tariff Database
- Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA)
- European Union (EU) - Taxation and Customs
- Free Trade Agreement of the Americas (FTAA Hemispheric Trade and Tariff Database)
- Jordan - Customs Department
- Mexico (in Spanish)
- Statistics Norway
- South Africa - Customs Department
- Taiwan (Republic of China) Tariff Database
- Trade Analysis Information System (Trains) --on CDs and Internet
- World Bank - General Tariff Data
- International Trade Data System (ITDS)