To mark its first 100 years, the Commission has published A Centennial History of the United States International Trade Commission. This book examines various aspects of the history of the Commission, including the agency's founding in 1916, its evolution as an institution, and how it has carried out its statutory responsibilities.
View the Complete Book: Centennial History of the United States International Trade Commission [PDF]
View the Book by Chapter:
- Cover [PDF]
- Welcome From the Chairman [PDF]
- Chapter 1: Introduction, Paul R. Bardos [PDF]
- Chapter 2: Before the U.S. Tariff Commission: Congressional Efforts to Obtain Statistics and Analysis for Tariff-setting, 1789–1916, Andrew Reamer [PDF]
- Chapter 3: The Creation of the U.S. Tariff Commission, W. Elliot Brownlee [PDF]
- Chapter 4: The Substantive and Institutional Evolution of the U.S. Tariff Commission/U.S. International Trade Commission (1917–2016), Will E. Leonard and F. David Foster [PDF]
- Chapter 5: Evolution of the Chairmanship of the U.S. International Trade Commission, Shara L. Aranoff, Deanna Tanner Okun, and Daniel R. Pearson [PDF]
- Chapter 6: The Commission’s Headquarters and Field Office Buildings, Paul R. Bardos [PDF]
- Chapter 7: Tariff Activities, Gene Rosengarden, Janis Summers, and Arun Butcher [PDF]
- Chapter 8: The Tariff Commission in Transition, 1917–74, Alfred E. Eckes, Jr. [PDF]
- Chapter 9: Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations, Lynn Featherstone and James M. Lyons [PDF]
- Chapter 10: Safeguards, Kara Reynolds [PDF]
- Chapter 11: Reflections of Members of the Trade Bar, Prepared by Terence P. Stewart and Alfred E. Eckes, Jr., from Interviews Solicited by the ITC Historical Society [PDF]
- Chapter 12: Intellectual Property Investigations, V. James Adduci II, Sarah E. Hamblin, Louis S. Mastriani, Deanna Tanner Okun, and Tom M. Schaumberg [PDF]
- Chapter 13: Industry and Economic Analysis, Robert B. Koopman and Michael J. Ferrantino [PDF]
- Chapter 14: Economic Analysis at the U.S. International Trade Commission, Michael O. Moore [PDF]
- Chapter 15: Industry and Economic Analysis for Congress, Thelma J. Askey [PDF]
- Chapter 16 (and Appendices): Industry and Economic Analysis for the Executive Branch, Catherine Field [PDF]
To learn more about USITC's Centennial, view our USITC Centennial web site.