August 13, 2024
News Release 24-077
Inv. No(s). TA-201-78
Contact: Jennifer Andberg, 202-205-1819
USITC Announces Remedy Recommendations in its Global Safeguard Investigation Involving Imports of Fine Denier Polyester Staple Fiber

The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) today announced the remedy recommendations that it will forward to the President in its global safeguard investigation regarding imports of fine denier polyester staple fiber.

Today’s action follows the Commission’s July 9, 2024, determination that fine denier polyester staple fiber is being imported into the United States in such increased quantities as to be a substantial cause of serious injury to the domestic industry producing an article like or directly competitive with the imported article. Information about that determination can be found in the news release issued on July 9, 2024.

All four Commissioners recommend a four-year period of relief. All four Commissioners recommend a tariff-rate quota be imposed on imports of fine denier polyester staple fiber from all countries covered by their affirmative injury determination, and further recommend that a quantitative restriction, to be set at zero in the first year of relief increasing by 1 million pounds in each subsequent year over the duration of the safeguard, be imposed on imports of fine denier polyester staple fiber entered as a Temporary Importation under Bond (TIB). The statements of the Commissioners regarding their remedy recommendations are attached.  Full details on their recommendations will be included in the report to the President.

The Commission will forward its report, which will contain its injury determination, remedy recommendations, certain additional findings, and the basis for them, to the President by August 26, 2024. 

The President, not the Commission, will make the final decision concerning whether to provide relief to the U.S. industry and the type and amount of relief.

The Commission's public report to the President Fine Denier Polyester Staple Fiber, Inv. No. TA-201-78, USITC Publication 5536, August 2024, will be available by September 16, 2024 and it may be accessed on the USITC website at:



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