Office of Investigations

The Office of Investigations conducts the USITC’s countervailing duty, antidumping, and review investigations under title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930; safeguard and market disruption investigations under the Trade Act of 1974; investigations under section 302 of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Implementation Act of 1994; and investigations under section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act.


The Office of Investigations is responsible, in consultation with other Commission offices, for the coordination and direction of antidumping (AD), countervailing duty (CVD), and safeguards investigations, as well as all other investigative, analytical, and research work assigned to the office. The Director, Office of Investigations, reports to the Director, Office of Operations.


  1. Organizes and carries out assigned investigations, including those under the Tariff Act of 1930 (other than sections 332 and 337), the Trade Act of 1974 (other than section 131), and the Agricultural Adjustment Act.
  2. Collects, compiles, and coordinates with other offices in providing an administrative record for use by the Commission in its decision-making in those investigations.
  3. Prepares, in coordination with other offices, notices, questionnaires, staff reports, and other documents necessary to the conduct of assigned investigations.
  4. Participates and provides assistance to the Commission in hearings, meetings, and opinion writing; conducts conferences in preliminary AD/CVD investigations.
  5. Coordinates with other offices on confidentiality designations, hearing/conference procedures, product nomenclature, data-processing requirements, provision of information to parties and the public, and other matters relating to assigned investigations.
  6. In coordination with the Office of External Relations, serves as liaison with the Office of Management and Budget on Paperwork Reduction Act requirements concerning assigned investigations.
  7. Guidance in the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, USITC internal rules, and other policy documents related to the functions set forth in this statement.
  8. Follows and supports all agency-wide functions including EEO, ethics, audit follow-up, and property management.

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