Date: Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 9:00 am
Distributional Effects of Trade and Trade Policy on U.S. Workers (332-587)
Format: Virtual (The symposium will be held using the WebEx platform)
- Requests to present work or serve on a panel at the academic symposium should be emailed or submitted by 5:15 pm on February 11, 2022
- The abstract should be a document of approximately one page in length that includes the presenter’s name, affiliation, email contact information, and job title.
- Requests to present work or serve on a panel at the academic symposium should be emailed or submitted by 5:15 pm on February 11, 2022.
- Following the February 11 submission of abstracts and CVs, potential participants should submit papers and presentations by 5:15 on March 1 by emailing
- Observers do not need to register in advance.
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Meeting password: Gms2ciquH25
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- Notice: AGENDA for the Academic Symposium
- Notice: Investigation Website for Additional Information
- Notice: Public Event Information
- Notice: Institution
- Notice: Tips and Tricks for Webex