The following videos are from USITC's Centennial Conference, which took place on Thursday, September 8, 2016.  A transcript of the event is available here. Note that all videos are in Windows Media Format (WMV) and may take a while to download due to file size.

Chairman Williamson’s Welcome, Administrative Announcements (Paul Bardos) [WMV]

The Creation of the Commission, Moderated by Commissioner Meredith Broadbent [WMV]

  • Before the U.S. Tariff Commission: Congress’s Efforts to Obtain Statistics and Analysis for Tariff-setting, 1789–1916 (Ch. 2 of Centennial Book), Professor Andrew Reamer, The George Washington University
  • The Creation of the U.S. Tariff Commission (Ch. 3), Professor W. Elliot Brownlee, University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Reviewers: Professor Douglas Irwin, Dartmouth College; Robert A. resident Woodrow Wilson House

Tariff Activities, Moderated by Vice Chairman David Johanson [WMV]

  • Tariff Activities (Ch. 7), Gene A. Rosengarden, former USITC Director of the Office of Tariff Affairs and Trade Agreements; Janis L. Summers and Arun Butcher, Attorney-Advisors in the USITC Office of Tariff Affairs and Trade Agreements
  • The Tariff Commission in Transition, 1917-1974 (Ch. 8), Former USITC Chairman and Professor Alfred Eckes, Ohio University
  • Reviewers: Barbara Norton, former Harmonized System expert at the USITC and USTR; former USITC Secretary Kenneth R. Mason

Import Injury Proceedings, Moderated by Commissioner Dean Pinkert [WMV]

  • Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations (Ch. 9), Former USITC Director of Investigations Lynn Featherstone; former USITC General Counsel James Lyons
  • Safeguards (Ch. 10), Professor Kara Reynolds, American University
  • Reflections of Members of the Trade Bar (Ch. 11), Former USITC Chairman and Professor Alfred Eckes, Ohio University, Terence P. Stewart, Stewart and Stewart
  • Reviewers: Professor Chad Bown, Peterson Institute; former USITC Secretary Kenneth R. Mason

Intellectual Property-Related Proceedings, Moderated by Commissioner F. Scott Kieff [WMV]

  • Intellectual Property Investigations (Ch. 12), V. James Adduci, Sarah Hamblin; former USITC Chairman Deanna Tanner Okun, Adduci, Mastriani & Schaumberg
  • Reviewers: Former USITC Assistant General Counsel N. Timor Yaworski; Stephanie Roberts, Steptoe and Johnson

Industry and Economic Analysis, Moderated by Commissioner Rhonda Schmidtlein [WMV]

  • Industry and Economic Analysis (Ch. 13), Dr. Michael Ferrantino, World Bank
  • Economic Analysis at the Commission (Ch. 14), Professor Michael Moore, The George Washington University
  • Industry and Economic Analysis for Congress (Ch. 15), Former USITC Vice Chairman Thelma Askey, Rockardt Group
  • Industry and Economic Analysis for the Executive Branch (Ch. 16), Catherine Field, former USTR Deputy General Counsel
  • Reviewers: Professor Thomas Prusa, Rutgers University; Neena Shenai, Medtronics

The Institutional Evolution of the Commission, Moderated by Chairman Irving Williamson [WMV]

  • The Substantive and Institutional Evolution of The U.S. Tariff Commission/U.S. International Trade Commission (1917–2016) (Ch. 4). F. David Foster, Foster, Murphy, Altman and Nickel
  • Evolution of the USITC Chairmanship (Ch.5), Former USITC Chairman Shara Aranoff, Covington and Burling; former USITC Chairman Deanna Tanner Okun, Adduci Mastriani & Schaumberg; former USITC Chairman Daniel Pearson, Cato Institute
  • The Commission’s Headquarters and Field Office Buildings (Ch.6), Former USITC Assistant General Counsel Paul Bardos, Editor-in-Chief of the Centennial History
  • Reviewers: Former USITC Chairman Lynn Bragg, Glass Packaging Institute; former USITC Director of the Office of External Relations Daniel Leahy; former USITC Secretary Kenneth R. Mason