USITC Investigations Database System (IDS)
The U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) is pleased to announce the launch of its Investigations Database System (IDS)! This innovative new data management tool captures, manages, and displays USITC investigation-related data. IDS will also present in-depth search results spanning multiple practice areas, providing new perspectives and value-added insights for data users.
Searching for specific information is more flexible under IDS, allowing for searches in more than one mission area at the same time. For example, instead of accessing USITC search tools focusing on a single investigative area, it will now be possible to search IDS by keyword(s), creating a one-stop shop for all USITC investigation data across Section 337, import injury, and factfinding mission areas! For instance, an IDS search using the keyword “steel” will generate results not only for import injury investigations but also results for investigations in other practice areas (e.g., unfair import and factfinding investigations). Alternatively, users can still filter their searches by practice area.
Key IDS functions will include:
- Quick searches and advanced searches of the IDS centralized investigation database
- Filtering by practice area
- Links to external resources (e.g., Department of Commerce AD/CVD information)
- Integration with EDIS to share core investigation data and to facilitate quick links from IDS into EDIS
- Standardized usage of common data points across mission areas and other USITC systems
- Established standards for data quality and speed of updates for public consumption
- And many more!
Please watch the home page of the USITC website for more updates and the announcement of virtual training sessions to illustrate the many exciting new features in IDS!
For more information on the practice specific changes in IDS, please visit the following web articles:
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About the USITC: The mission of the USITC is to investigate and make determinations in proceedings involving imports claimed to injure a domestic industry or violate U.S. intellectual property rights; provide independent analysis and information on tariffs, trade, and competitiveness; and maintain the U.S. tariff schedule.