This supplementary, interactive data table accompanies Shifts in U.S. Merchandise Trade, 2023. The table includes the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTS) 8-digit subheadings and descriptions associated with each industry/commodity group (sector) and subgroup (digest). The table is universally searchable by using the search box located at the top right of the page, and is also searchable and filterable by column.

Sector and description key
SectorSector descriptionSectorSector description
AGAgricultural productsMMMinerals and metals
CHChemicals and related productsMSMiscellaneous manufactures
ELElectronic productsMTMachinery
EPEnergy-related productsTETransportation equipment
FPForest productsTXTextiles and apparel
FWFootwearXXSpecial provisions

Sector Sector description Digest Digest description HTS-8 HTS-8 description
Sector Sector description Digest Digest description HTS-8 HTS-8 description