The following news releases are available below in date descending order. Use the filters to the left to sort by release date, to contact the Office of External Relations, or to find additional resources for the press.
As of June 11, 2024, information that was formerly included in the Factual Highlights section of news releases for preliminary and final phase AD/CVD investigations is available in the USITC’s Investigations Database System (IDS). The link to the USITC’s IDS page for the investigation(s) is provided in the news release.
- Status of Proceedings can be found in the “General” and “Dates” sections of the IDS page for the investigation(s).
- U.S. Industry and U.S. Imports information that is not confidential business information is in the Commission’s publication in the “Other Documents” section of the IDS page for the investigation(s). The Commission’s publication is typically available by 4 weeks after the Commission’s vote for the investigation(s).
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